28 September 2010

Facilitation Camp

Sarah spent two days at FacilitationCamp in Vauxhall South London hosted by www.decisionlab.org.uk and www.LondonCreativeLabs.com. The venue was Vauxhall Gardens Community Centre. Originally an old bed factory it was recently rescued and reclaimed for community benefit and provided a unconventional urban conference space. You can see the team of visionaries who rolled up their sleeves to make it happen, if you watch this short film about it: http://s.coop/2l8

FacilitationCamp was described as an ‘unconference’ where participants could co-create the agenda on the day as well as co-create the experience they have. It was run using the BarCamp model based on Open Space Technology www.openspaceworld.com so that we as participants could design the agenda and convene sessions. It was an energetic and exciting two days with lots of interesting ideas generated.

Sarah convened two sessions on Saturday 21st Open Space 2: Mapping & Exploring your facilitation practice and Open Space 3: Visually Recording FacilitationCamp. To see more visit http://barcamFacilitationCampWhatHappenedp.org/

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