30 September 2009

IAF Europe Conference – 2009

This year the International Association of Facilitators (IAF) Europe conference was held in September in the hallowed halls of Keble College, Oxford, England.

Attended by over 170 Facilitators from not just Europe but all over the world, from afar as the USA to Africa, to the Philippines and New Zealand, as well as the usual strong contingents from the UK and Sweden.

It was a great weekend, having the conference in a venue where the sessions, the eating, the celebrating and the accommodation were all on the same site definitely helped build and foster a strong sense of community and being in the heart of Oxford itself meant visitors were able to see the historical beauty of the city of Oxford. The conference sessions were generally of a high calibre and conference participants could be found networking in the collegial surrounds of Keble College, sharing their learning’s from the various sessions they had attended.

And we ate in the largest college dining hall in Oxford and it was all very Hogwarts and Harry Potter!

circleindigo ran a conference session on ‘Building Resilience in Turbulent Times’, based on our recent research with the Business Psychology Centre at the University of Westminster. The session was well attended and much appreciated with participants gaining insights from both an individual and group perspective.

For more information on our resilience work please contact us.

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